Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Library Quarterly: “LibCrit: Moving Towards Critical Race Theory in LIS” -proposals due: August 1, 2022

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Library Quarterly: “LibCrit: Moving Towards Critical Race Theory in LIS” 

Issue Guest Editors, Nicole A. Cooke and Mónica Colón-Aguirre, University of South Carolina 

For this special issue, Library Quarterly is seeking proposals that move forward the principles of CRT in the LIS practice. We are calling for the submission of proposals that explore, document, and explain the role of race and the way in which libraries and other information professions perpetuate racism, and racist practices, as well as ideas on how information professionals can move beyond these systems and create institutions that support their patrons and create environments in which all are welcomed. The guest editors will consider all types of academic works including research studies, case studies at the institutional, state, and national levels, as well as theoretical and conceptual pieces which have CRT and its main considerations at its center. The papers for this special issue do not need to conform to the typical journal length requirements and shorter papers containing essential information as well as longer studies will be considered. 
Please see the attached PDF for more details.
If you are interested in contributing a paper to this special issue, please submit a proposed title, an approximately 500-word summary of the topic, and a list of the authors and their affiliations to: Nicole A. Cooke and Mónica Cólon-Aguirre ([email protected]) by August 1, 2022. Proposals will be reviewed by September 1, 2022. Articles based on accepted proposals will be due by December 1, 2022. Final revised articles will be due on June 1, 2023, in advance of a January 2024 publication.
