Students need to meet the following requirements in order to graduate:
1. Completion of 36 credits with a minimum of a “B” (3.0) average consisting of five core, one management, and six elective courses. Click here for the details. Up to six credits may be taken outside the division with the permission of the Director (Not applicable to students seeking School Library Media Specialist certification.)
2. Continuous enrollment and completion of all requirements within a period not to exceed five years.
3. Submission of a successful E-Portfolio.
Please click here for Initial Digication Setup
Students in the MS-LIS the program will be required to complete an e-Portfolio. The electronic portfolio includes an introduction, resume, vision statement, and work samples (with brief explanation) that document proficiency in the American Library Association’s (ALA) eight competencies:
- Develop an Understanding of the Foundations of the Profession;
- Develop an Understanding of Information Resources;
- Demonstrate Ability to Organize Recorded Knowledge and Information;
- Apply Technological Knowledge and Skills to Practice;
- Apply Reference and User Services;
- Master Research Methods;
- Experience Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning; and,
- Apply Key Concepts of Administration and Management.
Refer to the DLIS Goals and Outcomes for a complete overview of the program objectives.
The immediate audience for the portfolio is faculty in the Division of Library and Information Science. Students will use Digication to create their electronic portfolios. From the start of the program, students should collect work samples (or artifacts) to save in their e-Portfolio. By the time students near the end of the program, their e-Portfolio will contain a variety of work samples (or artifacts). Students will select examples corresponding to each of the eight competencies outlined above to highlight his/her best work.
Important Documents
All updated forms, guidelines and rubrics are available on the DLIS Colloquia Libguide e-Portfolio page:
Graduating DLIS Students are referred to the university Commencement webpage for the most up-to-date information: