Tenure-track Assistant Professor – Emporia, KS

Emporia State University’s School of Library and Information Management (SLIM, https://www.emporia.edu/slim/) seeks two new tenure-track faculty members at the assistant professor rank who complement the strengths of our existing faculty and share our mission to educate successful library and information science professionals with imagination, creativity, and innovation.

We especially invite candidates who demonstrate a commitment to:

  • Teach and conduct research in one of the following areas (although all research and teaching specializations will be considered): archives, reference services and information seeking behavior, youth services, and organization of information.
  • Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), including accessibility and open access, social justice, and service to BIPOC populations, into their teaching, research, and service.
  • Thrive in an atmosphere of collaboration and collegiality.

New PhD graduates are encouraged to apply.

About ESU & SLIM

Emporia State University is a regional institution with an emphasis on teaching whose mission is “preparing students for lifelong learning, rewarding careers, and adaptive leadership.” Emporia State University offers a competitive benefits package with a generous retirement savings plan and a tuition waiver program available to employees and their immediate family members.

The School of Library and Information Management is accredited by the American Library Association and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (School Library Licensure) and is the oldest library school in the western half of the U.S. The SLIM student chapter of the American Library Association, SCALA, earned recognition in 2017 as ALA Student Chapter of the year.

SLIM culture is based on a collegial, cooperative approach to developing and delivering the curriculum, conducting and disseminating research, and serving the school, university, and profession. Our vision is embracing an interdisciplinary culture of collaboration and diversity for the common good.

SLIM offers online masters and doctoral degrees in library and information management, where small class sizes allow for student-faculty connection, research collaboration, and instructional innovation. Faculty have opportunities to work with both masters and doctoral students, and to shape the evolution of our degree programs.

Faculty are supported by MLS academic advisors who provide professional student advising. All admissions, advising, curriculum, and classroom policies are governed by the faculty.

The salary for this position is $58,000 per year, with the option of earning additional income by teaching summer courses.


All SLIM faculty are expected to be able to teach in a range of required courses such as LI801 Foundations of Library and Information Science, LI802 Information Seeking Behavior and Reference Services, LI804 Organization of Information, LI805 Management and Information Organizations, LI810 Research in Library and Information Science, LI855 Collection Development and Management, technology requirement courses, LI809 Introduction to Archives Studies, and courses relating to their own areas of expertise.

Teaching assignments are part of faculty members’ 9-month contract and usually include teaching nine credit hours in the fall semester and nine credit hours in the spring semester (i.e., a 3/3 teaching load). Opportunities exist for teaching additional elective courses in summer.

All SLIM faculty are expected to have or develop a clearly articulated research agenda.

All SLIM faculty are expected to participate in service to the school, the university, and the profession. Faculty responsibilities are generally estimated at 50% teaching, 25% research, and 25% service.


  • A doctorate in library/information studies or a related discipline is required. (ABD with an anticipated summer 2023 or earlier graduation date is also acceptable.)
  • Recent teaching and/or research expertise in at least one of the SLIM core curriculum areas is preferred.
  • Experience teaching with a course management program, such as Canvas, is preferred.
  • Experience working in libraries or in archives is preferred.

About Emporia

Emporia, population 25,000, is located in the beautiful Flint Hills area of Kansas. The founding city of Veterans Day, Emporia combines the attributes of small-town living with easy access to several major metropolitan areas and airports: Topeka (60 miles), Lawrence (80 miles), Wichita (90 miles), and Kansas City (115 miles.). Emporia is host to the Unbound Gravel bike race and is a major center of disc golf hosting the Dynamic Discs Open.

Affordable real estate, low cost of living, a high-quality K-12 school district, low crime rate, numerous lakes and recreational facilities, and cultural events associated with ESU and the surrounding communities contribute to an attractive lifestyle.

To apply

Submit electronic copies (in .pdf or MS Word formats) of the letter of application; current curriculum vitae; statement of teaching philosophy; research agenda; unofficial transcripts; and names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to Dr. Emily Vardell, chair of the search committee, via the ESU Employment Application Portal.

Review of applications will begin on January 17, 2023 and will continue until the positions are filled. 

Emporia State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as an individual with a disability, status as a protected veteran, or any other factors which cannot be considered by law.

Please address any questions to Dr. Emily Vardell at evardell@emporia.edu.