From Amanda DeLisi:
The symposium was conducted virtually this year, so we presented our presentation “Revelations of the COVID-19 Infodemic: The Need for Everyday Life Information Literacy Skills” via Zoom. I presented on the background of the current information environment, infodemics, and everyday life information literacy as well as the background information for Dr. Singh’s research study. Dr. Singh presented the second half of our presentation on his research findings, the results, and the implications. Overall, it was a really great experience and I enjoyed listening to the presentations of the other presenters during our session that focused on accessibility and information literacy.
Our presentation slides can be found here:
The abstract for our presentation below:
COVID-19 created an infodemic in which copious amounts of information spread throughout society in the news and social media. People are experiencing information overload, widespread misinformation, and adverse effects on their overall well-being. This study presents a qualitative analysis of people’s information challenges and experiences about the infodemic and its implications for society. The sample included 1,979 participants from various regions in the U.S.
Analysis revealed that most respondents perceived COVID-19-related misinformation as troubling, experiencing negative emotions while searching for information about the pandemic. Findings highlight concerns about misinformation and its impact on public health, information handling skills, civic engagement, and people’s well-being. Less than one-fourth of respondents felt confident in their information handling skills and emphasized the need to empower communities with information literacy skills. Also discussed are how the media and politics influence information experiences and implications for empowering people with information literacy skills in the post-truth era.
DLIS congratulates Amanda on her successful presentation and reminds all students that those who have research published are eligible for the H.W. Wilson Professional Development Scholarship.