The Sustainability Round Table: Libraries Fostering Resilient Communities (SustainRT) is honored to have 618 LIS student members as of January 2019! We are ALA’s newest and fastest growing round table.
Librarians and LIS students are inspired and motivated around ALA’s recent Resolution for the Adoption of Sustainability as a Core Value of Librarianship
Being involved with SustainRT is a great way to move into action, alongside the recommendations in the final report of ALA’s Special Task Force on Sustainability.
Whereas libraries that demonstrate leadership in making sustainable decisions that positively address climate change, respect and use natural resources, and create healthy indoor and outdoor environments will stabilize and reduce their long-term energy costs, help build more sustainable communities, and thereby increase community support for the library (exerpt from report).
Our LIS student members often share their desire for guidance and opportunities to integrate sustainability into the graduate school experience and their careers going forward.
Please share this invitation with your LIS students:
LIS Student Virtual Conversation
Fri. 3/22/19 3-4pm ET
SustainRT updates
How to Get Involved
Unveiling the pilot of our Mentoring Program
Discussion and input
Join Zoom Meeting
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Questions: Madeleine Charney, SustainRT Membership Committee Chairperson