The Br. Emmett Corry-H.W. Wilson Foundation Social Justice Fellowship

The Br. Emmett Corry-H.W. Wilson Social Justice Fellowship is awarded to an academically distinguished MS LIS student who has pursued an approved research or creative project exploring issues of social justice in the information profession under the guidance of a mentor.

Br. Emmett Corry, O.S.F. was professed as a Franciscan in 1955. He attended St. Francis College in Brooklyn, earned a master’s degree in Library Science from Columbia University and his doctorate in media studies from NYU before becoming director of DLIS at St. John’s (1989-1995).

Project Description

Alternative perspectives, creative and non-conventional responses to current and emerging issues of social justice in the information profession are invited. The completed proposal may be in one of the following categories:

  • Research paper
  • viewpoint/conceptual analysis paper
  • Case study
  • Literature review

Submission Requirements

The proposal should include the following information:

  • Title of paper
  • Name and contact information of student
  • Name and contact information of mentor
  • A 1,000-word proposal (excluding references) that provides the following information:
    • Purpose of proposal
    • Background and context of the chosen social justice topic supported by cited literature
    • Findings/impact/significance/outcomes/application of the social justice concept for the information profession (as appropriate)
    • Practical/social implications (if applicable)
    • Reference list (APA style)

Application Evaluation Criteria

The DLIS faculty will evaluate proposals according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to current and emerging issues in social justice in the information profession
  • Originality of ideas
  • Potential impact/significance
  • Adherence to the project submission requirements
  • Overall quality of writing

Application Deadline

January 1 and June 1


  • Evidence indicating submission of a 5,000-word long article to a journal, conference proceedings, book chapter, etc.
  • Due May 1 and December 1


$1,000 on providing “deliverables” as indicated above.

Suggestions for Potential Topics and Publications

Potential Topics

Social justice is a very broad concept that can be applicable to a number of areas. Students might consider the following courses and related topics for their proposal:

  • LIS 203 Organization of Information
  • LIS 222 Materials & Services to Diverse Populations
  • LIS 283 Social Justice in the Information Profession
  • LIS 271 Cultural Competence for Information Professionals
  • Social justice topics from other DLIS courses as appropriate

Possible Avenues for Article Submission

Students are encouraged to identify a suitable publication avenue for submitting their article. The following list is meant only for guidance:

  • Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice
  • College & Research Libraries
  • Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy
  • Progressive Librarian
  • Public Libraries Quarterly
  • The Journal of Academic Librarianship
  • The Journal of Vincentian Social Action
  • The International Journal of Information, Diversity & Inclusion (IJIDI)
  • Young Adult Library Services
  • Any relevant conference proceedings or book chapter

LIS 901 Independent Study

A Fellowship recipient has the option to enroll in LIS 901 as a 3-credit course under the guidance of their chosen faculty member.

Submission: via email to [email protected]