Symposium 7 – April 18, 2015

St. John’s University

Division of Library & Information Science 7th Symposium

From the Classroom to the Community:

Social Justice in Library and Information Science

Saturday April 18th, 2015 ♦ 8:30AM-4:00PM

Bent Hall 277 A/B ♦ St. John’s University ♦ Queens, NY

Featuring Marybeth Zeman, author of Tales of a Jailhouse Librarian: Challenging the Juvenile Justice System One Book At A Time

Keynote presentation by Michael Edson, of the Smithsonian Institution, Open Knowledge Foundation and Council on Libraries and Information Resources

Ignite! presentations from students of Museum Informatics and Web Design

Representatives from Professional Organizations of New York:

Symp 7 Logos


8:30-9:00 Registration & Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Welcome   James Vorbach, Director, Division of Library & Information Science
9:15-10:00 Student Research ‘Ignite’ Session I   Students engage the audience in their research in 2-3 minute presentations.
10:00-11:00 Books Behind Bars: Transforming the Lives of the Incarcerated

Today, there are close to 2.2 million individuals and 350,000 youth locked in our jails or juvenile facilities. There are no easy solutions to these problems. It would seem the least likely solution would be putting a book in someone’s hand. But for librarians who work in jails or serve youth in custody, reading and books offer a window of opportunity in a windowless and dark place– for transformation, for change and for light.

Marybeth Zeman, author of Tales of a Jailhouse Librarian: Challenging the Juvenile Justice System One Book At A Time

11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:00 Student Research ‘Ignite’ Session II   Students engage the audience in their research in 2-3 minute presentations.
12:00-1:00 Meet the Professional Organizations of New York   New York City has a vibrant and active library community with professional organizations for law, medical, art and technical services librarians, to name a few.  Representatives from several organizations will talk briefly about member benefits, events and ways to get involved, and will be available to chat during lunch.  Organizations scheduled to attend include: ACRL/NY, ALA/ALSC, ARLIS/NA-New York, ARMA, ART, LACUNY, LLAGNY, METRO, MLA NY/NJ, SLA NY, and SUNYLA.
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 Keynote Address: “Dark Matter,” Michael Edson, Smithsonian Institution, Open Knowledge Foundation, Council on Libraries and Information Resources  In less time than it takes most libraries to develop a strategic plan, another billion human beings will join the Internet, and in the coming decades the world wide web will be within reach of everyone in the world. How should knowledge and memory institutions adjust their thoughts, actions, and commitments in anticipation of this extraordinary new epoch of human connectivity?
3:00-3:45 Student Research ‘Ignite’ Session III   Students engage the audience in their research in 2-3 minute presentations.
3:45-4:00 Closing   Winner/s of the H. W. Wilson Scholarship will be announced Shari Lee, Assistant Professor




YouTube playlist: 4 videos, approx. 4.5 hours total run time

Segment 1: Welcome Remarks and Student Research “Ignite” Session 1

Segment 2: “Books Behind Bars: Transforming the Lives of the Incarcerated” by Marybeth Zeman

Segment 3: Student Research “Ignite” Session 2

Segment 4: Keynote Address: “Dark Matter” by Michael Edson

Segment 5: Student Research “Ignite” Session 3, Presentation of DLIS/H.W. Wilson Scholarships, Closing Remarks